Long ago, before the creation of Soteria and when the Akarui Iro still lived on Earth. A strange ‘anomaly’ started infecting them, no one knew where it came from, no one knows how it happened, but when it first appeared, it was only a few cases of Akaiiro children being born without colour. It was strange, seeing as normal Akaiiro babies were normally born with their full colour; however, this was only seen as an odd trait at the time as not all of the children were born colourless. That would prove to be a mistake, once they reached over the age of 10, the children began exhibiting strange behaviour. They would be more agitated and lashed out at everyone. Soon after, they began expelling a thick ink-like liquid the same colour of their blood from their orifices, such as the eyes, nose, and mouth. Their health and appearances continue to deteriorate until their hair, ears, and tail fur begin dripping with the same ink-like substance. Nothing seemed to cure their ailment and prayers to the goddess yielded no results as they continued to worsen, until the effects started to spread to the adults. Starting with loss of colour from their naturally colourful hair, it was a startling sight as the ‘infection’ seemed to spread very quickly.
Everyone learns eventually that this was a sign that they too, were getting affected by the colourless children. It didn’t take long before villages of Akaiiro started becoming these colourless monsters. Lockdowns were had and everything ground to a halt as the Akaiiro remained inside, desperately trying to think of a cure or a way to prevent getting infected.
Before long, the infection had subsided, the older infected had died off, leaving the children to wander in their colourless states. Sadly, nothing could be done as even the strongest healing magic couldn’t help bring them back. So they had no choice but to kill all colourless on sight, before the infection comes back.
It took a few years, but the goddess reincarnate gave her blessing to all of the remaining Akaiiro, using her powers, she found a way to purify and protect her people from the infection; however, it would change the way the AKaiiro work, forever.
From then on, all babies are born grey and colourless, only developing their colours from the age of 10, late bloomers are monitored as everyone is still weary. Any children who haven’t developed their colour by their teen years, are cast out of their villages with heavy hearts, left to fend for themselves. So, many colourless Akaiiro can be seen wandering different parts of the world; although, most have perished due to the elements or local wildlife.
Once Soteria was developed and all Akaiiro moved there, they use Earth as a dumping ground for the colourless, forbidding them to ever use the portals. Many of those Akaiiro prefer to be called ‘Greys’ to differentiate between the previously infected.