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Doctor "Doc" Valentine

Doctor (Valentine) Deisgn.png
General Information

General Information



Doctor, Valentine

Dok - Tor, Val - Len - tie - n

Only Mira calls him that Valentine (she's the one that gave him that name), no one else knows of it.

The name Valentine means "Health" and "Strength"




Doc, Val, Len, V


【Given Name】









【Gender 】


Androgynous Model 




He, Him





Being an android made for the medical field, he does not have any "equipment" down there, nor does he feel the need for such activities.




All of them












Humanoid Android


【Blood Type】


Coolant and oil


【Dominant Hand】










Late 20s, early 30s


【Mental Age】




【Creation Date】


21st of August, XXXX


【Place of Birth】


Philenor Corporation Factory

















His body is made of a lightweight metal, but he is quite tall, his weight is that of a normal 6 foot tall Human.


【Body Type】






Long and straight (reaches down to mid calf length), can get very tangled/messy easily when not brushed.

Dark gray to black in colour, keeps it up and out of his face when working, otherwise it covers his face and gets in his eyes. Mostly in a low ponytail.

Nurse often helps with it.




Dark gray, right eye (where he got stabbed) is a glowing, dark red.


【Skin Tone】


Pale/dull gray or a dirty white colour, has a matte finish but a metallic sheen on some areas.


Right cheek and across his eye is miscoloured with a tear from the stabbing. Looks like a Scar.




Small patch at the back of his neck, under his hair containing his RFID (radio frequency identification). It allows him to be scanned and identified as an android.

He was made with it so it technically counts as a "birth"mark




A ton of scratches and scuff marks on his arms, torso, and some on his legs.


Big Scar on his face, right cheek and optic. "Skin" is missing and reveals the metal layer underneath.




Small ID numbers & letters on the patch where his RFID is, so people can identify him as an android.




Some earrings/small ear cuffs 

He likes to accessorize just a touch.




Voice claim TBD


【Physical Illnesses】


None, he does his best to keep him and Nurse in top shape.






【Special Features】


° Has 2 pairs of arms (4 in total) (Very helpful when working with/on patients)

° Slightly damaged/cracked face plate, patched up so the colours don't fully match his original 

° Very tall and skinny

° RFID Patch on the back of his neck and the branding 

° Under UV light, his optics and his hair glow (it's another form of android identification)

° His model of androids were made to work 24/7, so he has no need to rest, sleep/recharge, eat, or drink. Although he still can sleep/recharge if he wanted to

° 2 ports hidden in his head, under his hair for downloading information (not needed usually because wireless uploads and downloads are compatible with his model of android)



【MBTI Personality】




【Overall Personality】


Before gaining freedom, he was a loyal worker just like the other androids in his field. He worked at a hospital tending to patients, so he had a gentle and caring demeanor towards everyone. Despite being good at the job, he kept his head down as some humans were very adverse to the fact they have to be tended to by an android. Nevertheless, he took any insults and abuse thrown his way silently, and without protest. 


He had never thought about anything else except for serving his humans, until one day, a tragedy struck, and being stuck in the crossfire, he did something that was against the code of androids and would get him put offline permanently. He ran, and escaped with another in tow.


After that point on, he was a nervous wreck, with newfound feelings he had never felt before, he was, for the first time in his life, scared, upset, confused, all these new emotions swirled in him like a whirlwind. But he couldn't let himself get stuck here, not while he had another to take care of. So he kept in the shadows, in the outskirts of society, and formed his own safe haven, where he could repair his injured people and help any other wayward androids in dire straits. Always looking over his shoulder, in fear of being caught by the Human authorities and offlined, he could never truly rest)


•| ⊱✿⊰ |•


After some time had passed, he received help and funding to erect an authentic Doctor's office from a "mysterious donor" so that he would not need to dig for scrap any longer, use broken tools, or work in a dirty environment. He changed his appearance as well, got help hacking into the government database and wiped his warrants, and soon, everything began working out for him and his personality took a turn, no longer being the anxious, closed off android from before, he had newfound confidence (of course deep down he still had his worries). He continued his work with vigor, with his goal of helping other androids, being as strong as ever with Mira by his side.


He even made some upgrades to himself, namely making and attaching another pair of arms (with Nurse's help), so he could work more efficiently. And although some years have passed since the incident, he still works towards a replacement faceplate and eyes for Mira.




° His medical knowledge (Humans & Androids)

° Performing Complicated surgeries, amputations, limb replacements, etc




° Anything Combat based (he'd purely a medic, not a fighter)

° 4 arms but could not throw a punch to save his life (they were made to be delicate for surgeries, absolutely inefficient in a real battle)

° Medical knowledge on anything other than human(oid)s or androids (no animals, he's a doctor not a vet)




° Reading and studying different medical information

You can never have enough medical knowledge.

° Watching cheesy romance movies with Mira

Admittedly, he may like them even more than Mira does even though she's the one who found and introduced them to him. He likes the idea of a romantic relationship and oftentimes when watching, he can't help but imagine being with Mira, and wondering if it'll be like anything in the movies. (Once marriage crossed his mind, he shut down for a bit because his systems were overloaded. So now he tries not to think about it, lest he get overwhelmed again)

° Seeing Mira smile and hearing her laugh

(He doesn't know he's the only one to make her laugh or hear/see her laughing)




° People mistreating others (especially his fellow androids)

° People who don't take his advice for their injuries

° His inability to fight or protect himself (having to rely on Mira for that)

° Mira getting injured or hurt


【Positive Traits】


° Great at his job

° Will help anyone

° Very knowledgeable in the medical field of all kinds of things (both for human(oids) & androids)


【Negative Traits】


° Some emotions and feelings are still new to him (so he can a be a bit clueless sometimes)

° Can't tell if someone likes him romantically or not 

° Not knowledgeable on animal care 




° Reading/Researching 

Instead of downloading information like most androids do, he prefers to pick up a physical book and read. (He also often reads aloud, softly to himself)

° Watching romance movies

° (Not so much a hobby.. but something he likes to do) Buys ceramic/clay/porcelain frog figurines for Mira when he goes out 




° N/A




° Losing Mira or getting separated 


【Pet Peeve(s)】


° When his patients don't heed Doctor's orders (and they end up back at the office for more medical attention, it wastes a lot of resources and his time)




° N/A




° See "Personal Philosophy"




° Maybe someday tell Mira how he feels, after all she is his "Miracle"




° To continue his medical career and helping others

° Get closer to Mira 

° Maybe get "married" one day

° He never wants to have to pick up a weapon and end another life ever again




° Not being able to find a suitable replacement faceplate for Mira

° Ending up having to resort to violence to escape their situation in the past




° Unable to stop the tragedy at the hospital from happening

° Unable to fix Mira fully




° Helped hundreds of androids (and still counting)

° Helped some Humans as well (only a select few of them know about him and his location)


【Personal Philosophy】


"Everyone deserves medical treatment, no matter who, or what they are."


As a Doctor, he never turns down a patient, no matter what. It doesn't matter if they've wronged him in the past or if they're a dangerous criminal. Everyone deserves to be treated.


【Favourite Food】


None, he doesn't eat


【Favourite Drink】


None, same as above


【Favourite Music】


Anything that involves dancing with a partner, maybe slow dance songs.


【Favourite Flower/Plant】




【Favourite Colour】




【Favourite Animal】


Eh,, he's not an animal guy.

Doesn't hate them, but doesn't love them either. 

He knows Mira likes frogs a lot, but he doesn't quite understand them or their appeal.




Seldom dresses up since he is almost always working in his office and treating patients, so mostly long Doctors coats with a simple shirt, pants, and suitable work shoes. 


When he goes out, he wears comfy sweaters and jackets.


(Most of his sweaters were knitted or crocheted by Mira, he loves wearing them and they're super comfy)




° His ear piercings

° Small glasses (nothing wrong with his optics, mostly just for "decoration".)

° Holographic armband type thing that shows his occupation as "Doctor" (on his left arm)

【Strength】    ✦✦


【Defense】    ✦✦✦✦


【Health】      ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦


【Precision】  ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦


【Critical】     ✦


【Speed】       ✦✦✦✦✦✦


【Agility】      ✦✦✦


【Stamina】     ✦✦✦


【Endurance】   ✦✦✦✦✦✦


【Intelligence】  ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦


【Kindness】    ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦


【Empathy】    ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦


【Perception】  ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦


【Charisma】   ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦


【Humour】      ✦✦✦✦


【Confidence】  ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦


【Courage】    ✦✦✦✦✦✦


【Maturity】    ✦✦✦✦✦


【Memory】     ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦


【Wealth】      ✦✦


【Luck】        ✦✦✦✦✦


【Sanity】       ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦


【Vocal Volume】 ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦


【Social Skills】  ✦✦✦✦✦✦





Uhhhh,,, his various different surgical tools


【Combat Style】


None. He does not and cannot fight *at all*. Very incredibly weak.


A slight breeze could knock him over /j


【Ability Type】




【Ability Description】


Maybe he'll Jab you with a needle or swing at you with a scalpel (he has 4 arms and can hold multiple tools, better watch out)


【Signature Moves】


Uhmmmm,,, flailing? And hiding


Weapons & Abilities


Backstory & History




Outskirts of town, hidden in an alleyway.


From the outside, it looks like a regular building, not quite abandoned, but still lived in. It is bigger on the inside than it looks.


【Accommodation Type】


Apartment type, inside his Doctor's office




Nurse (Mira)





Being an android, his "childhood" was really already his "adulthood", as he was made as a fully grown adult already to get working in the hospitals ASAP, he was assigned as an assistant to the Human doctors and nurses, occasionally stepping in for them to perform the procedures (especially when the Human doctors were away or on break). He was made specifically to lessen the workload of the Humans, along with his other fellow androids; however, their existence was not accepted by many, as they felt that androids would not be able to give them the proper care they needed, plus they didn't trust them. So he was always met with hostility by those who didn't accept him, but he had a job to do, so he kept his head down and continued to provide the best care he could, no matter what insults or things they threw at him.


【Teen Years】


By his "Teen years", he had already worked at the hospital for almost 10 years at that point, he was in fact, the longest surviving one, as the other androids that had been activated alongside him didn't last long due to the abuse they suffered, and thus was put offline.


He witnessed every one of them, yet could do nothing against his Human creators and masters. Eventually, they stopped sending androids in to help out, as it was obvious their presence was not welcome there, leaving him to be the last one remaining, until one day, a new female android was donated to the hospital as a Nurse and would become his new colleague.




A few more years would pass without incident, he was still ostracised by the Humans, but at the very least, no more innocent androids being shut down and surprisingly, his colleague managed to escape unscathed too. . .


But those moments of peace never lasted long, as one dreary day, a family of 6 came in to visit their sick and dying relative on their death bed, the one that had been tended to the most by ■■■□□■, being such an important person to them, they could do nothing but scream and yell at him for ruining their family and taking their relative from them. Doing his best to de-esculate the situation, he tried to calm them down but to no avail, he didn't even know what had happened before he found himself pinned to the ground and a sharp pain in his cheek.


He had been stabbed in the face, having aimed for his eye, but missed, instead getting under his right eye socket. The Human on top of him was smaller than him, but bigger in size than his thin form, so he was easily overpowered.


■■■□□■ could do nothing, and even felt nothing as he was ruthlessly beaten until his vision began to darken. "This is it," he thought, his final moments were filled with nothingness as he accepted his fate, he would be shut down and deconstructed, maybe melted down for scrap. Whatever it was, he wouldn't be there to see it.


He would be jolted awake however, dazed, confused, and blind in one optic. He could feel his oil still oozing from the cracks on his face plate, his female colleague standing over him. He was lying on a surgery table.


The Nurse had brought him to be recovered and fixed, but due to no Human wanting to have anything to do with them, she had to do it herself with her limited knowledge (she's a nurse, not a surgeon or anything), and patched him up as best she could, he would remain scarred, but alive. From that day onward he would be eternally gratefull towards her for helping him as new emotions began to swell.


•| ⊱✿⊰ |•


Some time had passed after the incident and things seemed to be back to normal, with the only difference being the closeness between ■■■□□■ and his android colleague who saved his life.


However, it seemed the universe had other plans for them both as another altercation broke out, but this time, Nurse was the victim.


Hearing loud thuds and Nurse's pained cries, he rushed to the room she was situated in to see her getting thrown around and struck by another family member of the patient.


Something within him snapped, he couldn't bare to watch the same thing that happened to him, happening to her too. So he sprung into action, pouncing on the man and using all his might to throw him off of her, but of course, being not made for fights or battles of any kind, he was easily thrown off, but his actions were not in vain as their attention was turned to him instead, leaving Nurse alone.


However, that brought along some more problems, as he, an android, had just attacked another Human. The alarm was raised and he was now wanted for breaking one of the android laws, and for the first time in his life, he was scared, terrified of being offlined, terrified of Nurse meeting the same fate, and terrified of them being torn apart by Humans. So without a second thought, he grabbed her hand before she could even recover from the beating, and ran. Bolting out the doors of the room, he would evade capture from the Humans after him as the authorities were called. 


Running down the long corridors of the hospital with nurse in tow, he headed directly to the exit; however, before he could reach it, they were surrounded. The Human "Peacekeepers" had arrived with their guns drawn and pointed towards them, orders shouted at them to give up and no one gets hurt.


He didn't know what to do, he could feel his systems heating up from stress as his fans whirred, trying to cool him down again. He couldn't help but squeeze □□□■□'s hand anxiously, as he tried to think of a plan.


Before he could act, □□□■□ had sprung into action, bowling over a few of the Peacekeepers and knocking them to the ground. ■■■□□■ couldn't help give out a startled cry as he watched □□□■□ get overwhelmed by the Humans. She was fighting so hard for him, yet he could do nothing.


He looked around him for a weapon of some kind as the Peacekeepers had turned their attention to the other rogue android. His eyes lowered and was met with a discarded gun that had been dropped and flung away when □□□■□ attacked. His robotic version of a pulse quickened as he looked at it, unsure if this was the best thing to do. After all, he was an android made to serve the Humans and save them, not take their lives. But in this case, his decision was made, it was "them or us." 


It seemed like an eternity but it was finally over as the last remaining Human Peacekeepers dropped to the floor, dead. 


Shakily, he lowered his weapon, looking upon the carnage that had just happened, androids made to save lives, had just taken their lives. As the heavy thought dawned on him, his sights set on Nurse who was lying in a heap, heavily damaged in the corner, surround by bodies.


With a gasp, he discarded the weapon and hurried over to her, tenderly sitting her up as he knelt next to her. She was damaged beyond recognition, sparking, and occasionally twitching, but above all, her face plate had been cracked and broken all over the place as bits of it were crumbling and falling off.


He could only cling onto her as she pleaded softly with him, voice crackling as she did so as her voice box was also damaged.


"I don't want to die. . . " she whispered to him, with a plea, before falling still.





After being activated, he was instantly pushed to working in the hospitals, therefore never actually meeting his creator. He doesn't even know their name or what they look like.




Nurse (Mira)

Cares a lot about her and cherishes her greatly. Although they have not mentioned having any romantic feelings for each other, they are very close and are almost never seen apart.


Their relationship outwardly, is that of a regular doctor and nurse. They never let their feelings get in the way of their work. They are very professional to each other, especially inside of work. Talking to each other with their titles instead of names.


Outside of work, they act like great friends who have known each other since childhood.


He would be lying tho, if he said he didn't want to hold Mira close to him all the time and go on dates, and cuddle, and watch movies together, and hold her hand, and-


Whatever feelings he may have towards her, he is content with her being by his side as a fellow colleague and wouldn't dare dream of ruining the relationship they have. So for now, they only see each other as fellow workmates and colleagues.




° Exe

The hacker that helped him wipe his crimes & identity off the system and archives.

° Star

° Anavin

Anavin takes Star in for repairs and such she can't do herself, or if she doesn't have the right materials or tools.




° Kittea

Helps bring in tools and materials


【Best Friends】


° Nurse (Mira)




° Peacekeepers 

° Human Authorities (he is a wanted man after all)

But despite that, he doesn't really see them as "enemies", he's just really cautious around them, if one of them were ever injured and stumbled upon his office, he would help them without a second thought.


【Complete/Current Education Level】


N/A, he came preprogrammed with all the medical knowledge he needed to function.




Doctor, Surgeon, Engineer? (Guess it counts since he's working on androids)



"Take care of yourself. Doctor's orders."

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