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General Information

General Information


E - Knock - Lar

His name has no meaning

Enok, Lar (don't call him that), Lar Lar (This neither), Lars (Human name)

【Gender 】

He, Him


Irken, English, Universal Language.

His Pak has a translator so he's able to understand almost all languages.




【Blood Type】

【Dominant Hand】

268 Earth Years probably

【Date of Birth】
No Idea

【Place of Birth】




Demolitions Expert

This particular Irken's class/skill is that he's an expert in creating and identifying bombs/explosives, especially in disarming them.




【Overall Personality】


▪ He can be extremely stubborn when it comes to telling him what to do, especially if he thinks his way is right.

 ▪ Like a lot of people in the bomb squad, he is calm under pressure. He also accidentally tends to freak everyone out when not meaning to.

((“Oh yeah, we'll be fine. This explosive only has what...5 minutes left before detonation? We'll be fiiiiine~”))

 ▪ He has an extremely laid back attitude and talks a lot too. He can also seem a little overbearing sometimes, especially to his squad, as he is often put in charge of training them and teaching them the ins and outs of identifying and defusing explosives.

 ▪ Because of his attitude, it often seems like he doesn't care too much about his squads or if anything happens to them, he tends to brush it off and just await new arrivals.

 ▪ He knows they’re expendable to the empire so he doesn’t care about his inevitable death (especially since he works with explosives a lot)

 ▪ He enjoys the thrill of working with explosives and not knowing when it’s going to blow up

 ▪ He can be seen to some as being quite cocky, but he’s just really confident in what he does

▪︎ Can often be seen as a huge asshole

 ▪ He’s not crazy, he just really likes explosives

 ▪ Being 100% loyal to the empire, he looks down upon those of other species (Irkens are number 1 in the universe of course).

 ▪ Most of the time he won't care if other aliens get caught up in explosions (but if they were Irkens, he would probably care just a little)

° Taking apart and putting together explosives in record time

° Being a good partner

° Mysterious ticking noises

° His PAK (like all Irkens, if his PAK gets removed, he only has 10 minutes to live before dying)

【Common Moods】
° Irritable

° Eager

° Determined

° Confident

【Rare Moods】
° Sad
° Tired

▪ Explosions

 ▪ Taking apart and putting explosives back together

 ▪ Finding new explosives to mess with

 ▪ The Tallests

 ▪ Creating new explosives

▪ People telling him how to do his job

 ▪ When others tell him he is doing something incorrect

 ▪ Clocks

 ▪ Metronomes

 ▪ When others don't listen to him (and getting themselves blown up in the process)

▪︎ The colour yellow (much too bright for him)

▪︎ Any place that restricts the use or access of his explosives

▪︎ Hiding a clock or something that makes a ticking noise where he can't find it (it will drive him crazy)

【Good Habits】
° Hard worker

° Great at what he does

° Loyal and unquestioning to the empire

【Bad Habits】
° Loyal and unquestioning to the empire

【Positive Traits】
° Loyal

【Negative Traits】
° Prejudiced (against shorter Irkens and other aliens)

° Working with explosives and testing himself with taking them apart and putting them back together

° N/A

° Losing Num

° Getting caught by the empire again

° Getting reprogrammed 

° Getting his memory wiped (again)

【Pet Peeve(s)】

 ▪ When people don't take care of the explosives they are handling

° N/A

° None

° To get a squad that can last more than a week without any ‘accidents’

° To disarm and identify all explosives in the universe (while also hoping to contribute by making new ones). 

° To serve the empire until his dying breath.

° To live freely with Num

° To be the best demolition Irken there is and become the best at his craft
° Get married and start a family

° N/A

° N/A

° Praise from his Tallests and being granted a personal planet to work on

【Favourite Food】
Hard candies

【Favourite Drink】

【Favourite Music】
The sounds of explosions going off

【Favourite Place】
His workshop/work space where he spends most of his time

Wherever Num is

【Favourite Colour】
Gray (it reminds him of smoke from the explosions).

【Favourite Show(s)】
Documentaries and the history of bombs and explosions


Not Telling

【Body Type】


His human disguise has dark brown curly hair.

Ruby Red

His eyes are a deep red in human disguise.

【Skin Tone】
Yellow Green

Olive skin tone when in human disguise


A bunch littered on his body, arms, and legs, most of them from shrapnel caused by explosions.

Standard male voice…?

【Physical Ailments】
° Slightly damaged antenna from all those explosions. His hearing is terrible.° Half deaf.


° Standard uniform for his class. 

° The middle part of the body is similar to the Tallest, giving his back more of an arch to get closer looks at the details in the explosives he works with.

° A pair of specialized goggles that allow zoom in when he's in need to see anything up close/far away when disarming/putting together explosives (he almost never takes them off).

° Big round glasses with tinted red lenses in human disguise.

【Noticeable Features】
° His Pak which is different from the usual Irken.

° Normal scythed antennas, but a jagged/lightning bolt shape in the middle

【Strength】    ✦✦✦✦✦✦

【Defense】    ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦

【Health】      ✦✦✦✦✦✦

【Precision】  ✦✦✦✦

【Critical】     ✦✦

【Speed】       ✦✦✦✦

【Agility】      ✦✦✦✦✦

【Stamina】     ✦✦✦✦✦✦

【Endurance】   ✦✦✦✦✦✦

【Intelligence】  ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦

【Kindness】    ✦✦✦

【Empathy】    ✦

【Perception】  ✦✦✦✦✦

【Charisma】   ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦

【Humour】      ✦✦

【Confidence】  ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦

【Courage】    ✦✦✦✦✦✦

【Maturity】    ✦✦✦✦✦

【Memory】     ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦

【Wealth】      ✦✦✦✦✦

【Luck】        ✦✦✦✦

【Sanity】       ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦

【Vocal Volume】 ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦

【Social Skills】  ✦✦✦✦




Explosives & Anything in his Pak

【Combat Style】
° Some semblance of skill/training but not much. Mostly just relies on the equipment in his pak (and his explosives)

【Ability Name】

【Ability Type(s)】
° Explosion Immunity (??)

He always ends up unscathed (more or less) when caught up in explosions, as he is always the last one alive whenever anything happens.) Or he is just incredibly lucky.

【Ability Description(s)】
▪ As is with all Irkens, his PAK has many tools and weapons/equipment he can use, such as:

° Four mechanical spider legs that can be used as sharp weapons, shield generator, laser cutter/gun, and a mode of transport

▪ Audio and/or video communicator

▪ Portable container

▪ Jetpack

▪ Invisible bubble helmet for space travel

▪ Binocular helmet with night vision

▪ Small robotic arms

▪ Ray guns attached to controllable appendages

【Signature Moves】

He just throws explosives everywhere (his favourite).

Weapons & Abilities



His main base of operations is on a small deserted planet, it has multiple craters in it from multiple explosions. 

 As a ‘reward,’ the Tallests gave him one of their old unused planet that used to be for training. He spends most of his time there when not on missions.

【Accommodation Type】
Generic Irken base





【Complete/Current Education Level】

Complete Irken knowledge and childhood training in military tactics.


° Whole of Irken knowledge uploaded into PAK once hatched and attached.

° Basic training all Irkens go through once hatched (born)

Backstory & History



Enoklar was normal from the day he was pulled from the Smeetery, like all of his fellow Irkens. He underwent the normal training regime along with everyone else, but he found it suuuper boring and didn't enjoy it at all, thus his participation during training times was very lacking, much to the disappointment of his peers.


【Teen Years】
However, soon after they began a new training segment which involved taking apart and putting back together an object of the supervisors choosing. With Enoklar being basically the worst in the entire group, he was shoved into another room and given a small explosive with a timer on it, in an attempt to get rid of him by causing an ‘accident’ (by accident, they mean blowing him up or at least getting him injured enough so he drops out or leaves so they don't have to deal with him anymore. He felt a sudden rush of excitement as the explosive was presented to him, the supervisor’s plan backfired, as he managed to disassemble and reassemble the explosive quickly and efficiently (much to everyone’s surprise). They continued to test him with the different bombs and explosives they had on hand, each time, Enoklar completed the task successfully. He eventually caught the attention of the tallests who put him to work almost immediately within a squad of other Irkens who specialised in explosives.

He has since then gone through many different squads and groups, they don’t really last long, surprisingly however, he is always the last survivor. His previous squad was blown up when disarming a bomb because they didn’t listen to his instructions while out on a mission, he and another job to attend, so he was giving instructions via communicator. After the explosion wiped out his entire team (except him), he was told to wait by the Tallests while they assigned him a new (and hopefully more competent) squad, they commended him for the good work (especially since he is always the one to last the longest).


 For now, he waits in his base for his next assignment and mission.


° N/A

° Conrad

【Best Friends】
° N/A

° Luxor




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