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• ✦ | 𝐕𝐎𝐈𝐂𝐄-𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑 | ✦ •


✦ Hello ✦


"Hey, hi, hello~ You can call me Kittea! I'm just a wanderer, traveller, vagrant.. whatever you want to call me. My home is wherever I decide to settle for the night."


✦ Chat: Cat Nap ✦


“I could totally curl up and take a nice cat nap right here.”


✦ Chat: Observation ✦


“Hmm, this place is veerryy interesting… I should document it in my journal.”


✦ Chat: Tea ✦


"Mm… I'm craving some tea right about now…"


✦ When It Rains ✦


"Ahh, I love this weather~! Perfect time to do some drawing."


✦ After the Rain ✦


"Awwhh.. over already..?"


✦ When Thunder Strikes ✦


"Wah! That was loud..!"


✦ When It Snows ✦


"Awh yess! Snow! Ah-Achoo..! Oops, excuse me, eheh."


✦ When the Sun Is Out ✦


"Ugghhh.. I hope it doesn't get too hot today…"


✦ When the Wind Is Blowing ✦


"Ack! My hair is getting into my mouth..!"


✦ In the Desert ✦


"Ugghh… it's… so hot.. And there's sand… everywhere..!"


✦ Good Morning ✦


"Mmnnhh… It's too early… Oh! Ah.. good morning! You're up nice and early aren't you?"


✦ Good Afternoon ✦


"Ahh… I'm hungry… Oh.. Hello! I was just about to get something to eat, want to join me?"


✦ Good Evening ✦


"I should really get started on some work… Oh, you're here! Want to sit and relax with me?"


✦ Good Night ✦


"You sleepy? Go on, get some sleep. Me? Oh, I'm a night owl, I am most productive at night. I'll sleep once I've finished. Good night!"


✦ About Venti ✦


"Ah yes... That bard. He's quite the interesting one alright. I've had a few drinks with him before, although I'm not a fan of alcohol in general… He got me to try Dandelion Wine once… it was bitter… Needless to say I stuck with my own drinks."


✦ About Kaeya ✦


"Mondstat's Cavalry Captain… with no Cavalry, it's always funny for me to think about. Anyway, we are acquainted, thanks to the many drinking sessions I've had with 'That Bard'. He's usually there too, along with Rosaria… Oh, sorry, 'Sister' Rosaria."


✦ About Rosaria ✦


"There's not much I have to say about her, although she looks like she could definitely use some more sleep. Also she sure knows how to handle her alcohol, I don't think I've ever seen her drunk, no matter how much she drinks. She's not phased in the slightest!"


✦ About Bennet ✦


"If I weren't a wandering traveller, I'd totally join his adventure team! He's a good person, and I just can't understand what the universe has against him. Despite his misfortune, I admire the fact he never lets it get to him."


✦ About Fischl ✦


"She reminds me of myself when I was younger… There's not much I have to say about her, except the fact that despite my efforts, I can't understand a lot of what she says without a translation, eheh.."


✦ About Zhongli ✦


"Ah… that guy, I see him around Liyue Harbour, he seems to be quite knowledgeable about a lot of things… All things except remembering his wallet apparently, hahah."


✦ About Childe ✦


"He's annoying… Kidding! Well… mostly. He's quite interesting, very outgoing and puts on a very friendly exterior, but inside, he seems to be hiding quite a lot. All in all, he's fine."


✦ About Arattaki Itto ✦


"The One and Oni? Yeah, I know him. He helped me out once while I was in Inazuma. I paid him for his services of course, especially since I found out about his gang. He seems to be a nice boss and cares greatly about those in his group. I like him."


✦ About Kuki Shinobu ✦


"She's very much a big sister type, I had the pleasure of meeting her after Itto introduced us… Of course it was under certain circumstances where I had to explain that yes.. the Mora and things he acquired from me were given and not stolen or 'won' by other means."


✦ About Yae Miko ✦


"I don't.. well.. It's not like I don't like her but.. I try to stay far away from her. It's like she can see right through me… it's hard for me to act natural when she's around."


✦ About Nahida ✦


"I like her. She is indeed very wise, very fitting for the Archon of Wisdom."


✦ About Cyno ✦


"He should consider becoming a standup comedian, his jokes are hilarious…! He never fails to get a laugh out of me. Hah!"


✦ About Tignari ✦


"I ran into him once when I was in the forests of Sumeru, then I ran into him again while he was out with his little 'group', they seemed to be playing Genius Invokation TCG. He seems to be a very knowledgeable person, however I think his sense of humour could use some work. The General Mahamatra was cracking jokes left and right, and he didn't even crack a smile, just groaned and held his head in his hands."


✦ About Collei ✦


"She's so sweet, she helped point out some places of interest to me in the Sumeru rainforests… and from what I've heard, she's been through a lot and yet, still manages to keep going. I find that admirable."


✦ About Kaveh ✦


"He's nice, not much to say about him. I forgave him for accidently flinging a GITCG Dice at my head while I was ordering at the tavern. Seems like his game got a little too intense, I certainly was out of my zone when playing with and against him and his group. I'm a total amateur hah."


✦ About Alhaitham ✦


"I know he's Kaveh's roommate. I have seen him but haven't spoken to him. He's constantly got his headphones in and blocks out the noise around him. Honestly, I get it and same here hahah. I would like to get to know him a bit more though.. if only I wasn't so awkward about meeting new people.."


✦ About Us: Wonder ✦


“Hm? You want to know more about me? Well… There’s not much to know. I’m just a person from Liyue who’s travelling across The Land of Teyvat~”


✦ About Us: Friendship ✦


"You consider me a friend? That's great to hear..! I just hope that means you won't mind when you find some.. 'surprise' gifts from me every now and then, heheh."


✦ About the Vision ✦


"Hm? My vision? What vision..? Oh, this thing ahah… ehm… it's something alright. Honestly I forget that it's even there."


✦ Something to Share ✦


"I actually have many pets, mainly cats and a couple of crows. My oldest ones are my darling Luna, and my precious Darling~ I know I travel a lot, but don't worry, I make sure they are all very well taken care of. Only the best for my lovelies~ Ah.. I could sit here and talk about them all for hours… but it's probably best if I save it for another time."


✦ Interesting Things ✦


"People often like dogs better than cats because they are friendlier and more loving. But that is completely false! Cats just have boundaries and aren't afraid to let you know once you've pushed past it! They are just as loving and affectionate as dogs are! You just have to be patient."


✦ About Kittea: Tail ✦


“Hm..? oh, my tail? Of course I have one! I just don’t keep it out since it gets in the way… Why? Did you want to see it?”


✦ About Kittea: Darkness ✦


“I just love the dark..! Night time especially, I don’t get why people are so afraid of it. The dark won’t hurt you… What’s IN it might though, eheh~”


✦ More About Kittea: I ✦


“I don’t know about you, but I’ve never really been one for romance, it’s just not my thing. I find a very close bond between friends is enough. I mean, of course I don’t mind hugs and kisses every now and then, but must every relationship be romantic? I’d really prefer to be able to show affection to my close friends without being labeled a romantic couple, ya know?”


✦ More About Kittea: II ✦


“In case you were wondering, no Kittea isn’t my real name, it’s an alias… What’s my real name? Hmm… That’s a secret for another day~”


✦ More About Kittea: III ✦


“I love giving gifts to my friends! Every time I find something that makes me think of them, I collect them until I can give it to them… Of course, some 'gifts' aren't appreciated as much… I suppose I have to remember that not everyone likes or wants live animals as gifts… Especially lizards…"


✦ More About Kittea: IV ✦


"I've travelled quite a lot, and to many places. Each with their own stories and encounters. I've seen so many things and met so many people… Perhaps one day, I'll be able to tell you about them."


✦ More About Kittea: V ✦


"This journal I carry with me is very special, I made it myself! I write all sorts of things in it. Things like knowledge I've acquired about the places I've visited, random doodles, and just entries about my day… Maybe I should make one for you too!"


✦ Kittea's Hobbies ✦


"I suppose to me, it's more of a way of living, but I quite enjoy anything art related! I am an artist after all! Besides the usual drawing and sketching, I also like to write stories! And I can't forget photography too, nothing like snapping pictures of your favourite things with a Kamera."


✦ Kittea's Troubles: Art Block ✦


"You know when you want to do something but you just can't? And every time you try to do that thing it just doesn't turn out the way you want? That is the worst, especially when I'm trying to work on my next big art piece! Art block sucks..!"


✦ Favorite Food ✦


"I'm not particularly picky about food. As long as it looks good, I'm down to try it!.... it's not because I am indecisive or anything, eheh… Oh! Seafood, I guess I really like seafood. Crabs in particular... Oh, and soup!"


✦ Least Favorite Food ✦


"I hate anything bitter.. I don't understand how people can like such a… ugh.. gross flavour…"


✦ Receiving a Gift: I ✦


"For me!? Awh, thank you so much!" 


✦ Receiving a Gift: II ✦


"Oh, you shouldn't have! Thank you!"


✦ Receiving a Gift: III ✦


"Ah.. thanks..! I'll.. save it for later..!"


✦ Birthday ✦


"Happy Birthday! I hope you have a wonderful day! I was out earlier and saw this that reminded me of you.. I do hope you’ll like it.. Oh! And these.. I’ve been collecting a bunch of things that I thought you might like during the year. 


If you need anything at all today, choose a dark corner, and call for me. I’ll come over right away.”


✦ Feelings About Ascension: Intro ✦


✦ Feelings About Ascension: Building Up ✦


✦ Feelings About Ascension: Climax ✦


✦ Feelings About Ascension: Conclusion ✦


• ✦ | 𝐕𝐎𝐈𝐂𝐄-𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑 (SPECIAL) | ✦ •

(Alternate / Extra voice lines unlocked after certain prerequisites have been met)


✦ About the Vision ✦


"Mm, yes, if you couldn't tell before. My 'vision' is indeed fake. I have to keep up appearances somehow, right? Plus, it helps keep people from questioning me all the time about how I can use my powers without a vision."


✦ About Us: Wonder ✦


“Yes, I am indeed from another world much like you, although I'm sure the world you're from is probably much different than mine. Maybe one day I'll take you there to see the sights and introduce you to my friends.”


✦ About Us: Friendship ✦


"You're not 'too' mad at me right? I was practically dragged into this..! I wasn't a part of them when I first met you, honest..! Oh and… if you could refrain from letting the others know about all of this… I'd Greatly appreciate it..!"


✦ Something to Share ✦


"The ones I call my 'pets' were adopted by me years ago. They all came from unfortunate circumstances and had faced the cruelty of humans for far too long… and even though I wasn't able to save their lives, I was able to give them new ones."


✦ About Kittea: Darkness ✦


"If you ever become afraid of the dark,  just know that nothing will hurt you. I'll be there watching over you. "


✦ Kittea's Hobbies ✦


"I suppose 'people watching' counts? With my abilities I can slip in and out of the shadows unnoticed, so I often like to just sit and watch what others are doing. It's especially entertaining watching what people do when they think they're alone."


✦ More About Kittea: V ✦


"I journal and document my findings here in my 'journal'. To tell truth, it's an electronic journal. I can't be bothered copying notes by hand so I write them digitally. It's a handy little piece of technology from my world… Come to think of it, Teyvat is very…. Lacking, in the technology department. I find myself having to get used to the lack of familiar technology.. I mean, people here don't even have cell phones.. or internet..!"


✦ Kittea's Troubles: Surveillance ✦


"Obviously they don't trust me, so when I was with them in the first few months, every time I did anything or went anywhere, they had a bunch of agents tailing me. Of course they thought they were sneaky and I wouldn't notice, but I did. So I made sure to slip away unnoticed everytime they looked elsewhere. It was funny watching them freak out because they lost me. I don't know how else I'm going to be able to break it to them. The fact that no matter what they do, they won't be able to keep me. Hahah"


✦ About Tsaritsa ✦


"She's very pretty… and cold… and she looks similar to someone else I know… There's really not much for me to say about her.."


✦ About The Jester ✦


"He's the second most mysterious to me. There's a lot I want to ask him about what he knows about the 'truth' of this world, fake sky and all that to confirm my own theories… but alas, he is very elusive.. to me at least, I never see him around, I heard he only comes out during important events.. oh well."


✦ About The Captain ✦


"I also haven't seen much of him, he seems to always be out when I'm around, so I don't have much to say. Maybe when I learn more about him I'll tell you."


✦ About The Doctor ✦


"Ah yes, the one who found me and dragged me all the way back with him to Snezhnaya… There's not much to say about him… no, wait.. that's a lie.. There is a lot for me to say about him, but if I said all of it, we'd be here for hours. So instead… I badly want to give him a haircut. That mullet ain't it."(/j)


✦ About Damselette ✦


"Now she is an enigma, and here I thought I was the only eldritch horror around here, haha, I'm joking of course. But anyway, she is very mysterious and.. gives me strange vibes. I am not much afraid.. as I am just wary."


✦ About The Knave ✦


"My respect for her has gone up a little bit more after learning about how much she seems to care about those in her 'House of the Hearth' and of the things she has done for those under her care. Although I don't know too much about her, I am rather curious about her hands… she seems to have a similar thing like mine when I use my powers.. I wonder what hers is about.."


✦ About The Rooster ✦


"I just call him Mayor when I'm around him. He gives me grandparent vibes, especially with his constant gift giving to Tartaglia's family.. although I would be lying if I said I'm not a bit suspicious about it, like he has some ulterior motives. But that's probably just me."


✦ About Marionette ✦


"Not much interaction with her.. although I do want to get closer.. her automatons and robots are so cool..! I do hope she doesn't mind that I have nicknamed her 'Sandy' hahah"


✦ About Regrator ✦


"Ah.. Pants, I know he also works closely with Dottie, he's also the one who provides the funding.. in all honesty I don't interact with him much, I have my own funds, I don’t need funding from him either so I seldom seek him out. He also sounds the same to someone else I knew in the past and it drives me nuts."


✦ About The Fair Lady ✦


"She sounded like a pain to work with and that's only putting it lightly. I wish I'd been able to at least meet her before she kicked the bucket."


✦ About The Balladeer ✦


"It was interesting to watch what little of his journey and experiences I could, and although we never met in person when he was still a harbinger, I hope his new life treats him well and his future endeavors as The Wanderer."


✦ About Tartaglia ✦


"He's definitely the one I get along most with, I don't mind his presence or his 'shenanigans'. However, I do wish he'd stop asking me to spar with him so often… It just makes me more inclined to decline him every time he asks… But I would be lying if I said I wasn't interested in fighting him to test my skills… No no, I'm not gonna give him the satisfaction, I will not cave to his constant pestering."


✦ About Nahida ✦


"I feel for her, she is a wonderful archon.. with imposter syndrome it seems. She constantly feels inadequate as the Archon of Sumeru.. So sometimes, I like to visit with her favourite foods to cheer her up, or even some photographs or sketches I did of places I had visited… Honestly, she's one of the few to see through me from first glance, there's no hiding from her. But, I don't mind. Out of all the Archons I've met so far, she's the one I respect and trust the most."


✦ About Zhongli ✦


"To tell the truth, Childe introduced him to me. Now I know how and why he's been spending so much hahah! Also, as an archon.. he's very shady, he's hiding something, I know it..!"


✦ About Rosaria ✦


"She is also very perceptive, much like Kaeya, I have to watch myself around her. She's come very close to figuring me out."


✦ About Kaeya ✦


"He's very… uhm… What's the word… perceptive? I have to watch myself around him constantly… lest he figure out who.. or what I am."


✦ About Venti ✦


"I just can't hide anything from him, he basically found out I'm not from here almost instantly. Well, not that I mind. Sometimes I forget he's actually an Archon."

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