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General Information

General Information

Kittea Full wipc 2.png




Kit - Tee

A nickname (a spelling variation of Kitty).

Fun fact: Kitty was just a nickname everyone gave her for some reason so it stuck. She likes tea, so "tea" was stuck to the end of "Kitty", forming "Kittea".




° Cutie, Angel, M'lady

Some of the nicknames were given to describe her, most of them by people she met online.

° K.T.

Her initials. She doesn't mind people calling her that.


° Multiverse Menace, Crazy Cat Lady, Cat Lady

She likes those titles and wears them with pride, even if they were given to her with malicious intent.








She, Her, They, Them, He, Him

Don't mind any pronouns




Panromantic Asexual(?)




English, Cantonese

English is a second language.












Black Cat, Human


【Dominant Hand】








【Mental Age】




【Date of Birth】


10th of December, 1999












Digital Artist, Creator, Creator of World's, Could be considered a "God"

Digital artist who creates worlds and characters and brings them to life. 




Mid range.

Australian accent.


【Physical Illnesses】


Asthma and Lactose Intolerance


【Mental Illnesses】


ADHD and Anxiety




Minor allergy to Mosquitoes and Raw Oysters.











【Body Type】






° Black hair (Sometimes seems dark brown in certain lighting

​° Short, shoulder length

°Naturally straight

° Grows really quickly and gets long (needs frequent haircuts)

° Longest it gets is lower back, almost waist length




° Monolid

° Dark brown eyes, looks pitch black sometimes




° Black cat ears


° Purple inside


° White fur inside




° Long black cat tail


【Skin Tone】


Pale with warm undertones.




Upper back, right shoulder.




A small burn scar on the upper left arm, near the shoulder.








None, however clip ons are worn very rarely


【Extra Features】


° Long nails


° Purple nail polish



【Overall Personality】


° Shy and awkward around new people

° Loud and outgoing when comfortable

° Thoughts go 'Brrrrrrrrrr'

° Can't speak properly/Tongue tied often

° Non judgemental

° Respects opinions despite differences

° Peacekeeper in the group

° Very level-headed when needed

° A bit of a gremlin

° One of those people who will joke to themselves and make themselves laugh

° Likes telling puns


【MBTI Personality Type】



Although seemingly quiet or unassuming, Mediators (INFPs) have vibrant, passionate inner lives. Creative and imaginative, they happily lose themselves in daydreams, inventing all sorts of stories and conversations in their minds. INFP personalities are known for their sensitivity – Mediators can have profound emotional responses to music, art, nature, and the people around them.




° Creativity

° Good at keeping secrets 




° Distractions

° Procrastination

° Cute things

° Shiny things

° Forgetful




° Art

° Drawing

° Cats

° Anime

° Cartoons

° Music

° Rainy weather

° Thunderstorms

° Cold weather

° Fire

° Reading

° Friends

° Designing things

° Animals

° Sleeping

° Staying up late at night

° The interwebs

° Cherry Blossoms

° The dark

° Cosplay

° Puns




° Hot weather

° Art block

° Forgetfulness

° Being called 'Cutie' (by certain people)

° Art theft

° Bitter foods

° Figs

° The sound of metal utensils scraping plates/bowls, etc

° Spiders

° Driving


【Positive Traits】


° Hard worker

° Loyal

° Creative

° Friendly

° Empathetic

° Doesn't swear/curse


【Negative Traits】


° Procrastinates

° Over thinker

° Easily stressed/anxious

° Has a hard time saying No to people

° Very forgetful

° Stays up very late at night




° Drawing

° Reading

° Playing Instruments

° Playing Video Games

° Blogging

° Watching Anime

° Browsing the Internet


【Pet Peeve(s)】


° Slow walkers

° People saying 'never mind' in the middle of speaking and don't end up finishing what they were going to say

° People start to speak but then drop the conversation altogether before they're done (don't leave it on a cliffhanger !)

° People who take things without asking

° Art reposts without credit


【Favourite Food】


Soup & Seafood (Crabs especially)


【Favourite Drink】


Tea & Soda (Not together, obviously)


【Favourite Music】


Anything catchy, one of her favourite genres would probably be electro swing


【Favourite Flower】


All of them (Hydrangeas especially)


【Favourite Colour】


Purple and Blue


【Favourite Animal】


All of them (bonus points if they're cute)





° Anything comfortable


° Mainly purple


° Has a few cute items of clothing


° Sometimes wears the same thing everyday


° Jackets, hoodies, and coats


° Has no distinct style (will change themes/styles every so often)


° Often wears cutesy styles and techwear




° Black leg harness with silver chain


° Belt with chain


° White cat mask with purple accents

【Strength】    4 / 10

【Defense】    6 / 10

【Health】      7 / 10

【Precision】  4 / 10

【Critical】     5 / 10

【Speed】       7 / 10

【Agility】      8 / 10

【Stamina】     5 / 10

【Endurance】   4 / 10

【Intelligence】  9 / 10

【Kindness】    8 / 10

【Empathy】    10 / 10

【Perception】  7 / 10

【Charisma】   8 / 10

【Humour】      5 / 10

【Confidence】  6 / 10

【Courage】    4 / 10

【Maturity】    7 / 10

【Memory】     6 / 10

【Wealth】      7 / 10

【Luck】        5 / 10

【Sanity】       7 / 10

【Vocal Volume】 7 / 10

【Social Skills】  4 / 10


Genshin Impact

Weapons & Abilities



Her tablet


【Combat Style】




【Ability Name(s)】


Magic Art, Character Manipulation, Time and Space Manipulation, Magic Paintbrush, Art Manipulation, Author Authority/Omnipotence, Fiction Travel, Supreme Observation


【Ability Type】




【Ability Description(s)】


Being an artist and creator, she has absolute control over her creations (much to their misfortune).


She can also travel between fictional worlds, creating "personas" for herself to fit in.




° She can draw on the tablet and it comes to life, but the product that arrives is only as good as her skills are. If it is drawn incorrectly or weirdly, that’s how it will come out.

° She can draw and design weapons on it and not have to build it herself, but she must draw up the blueprint on it and the functionality/features, etc.

° Her creations can get erased by her, using the eraser function on the tablet

° The tablet is mostly holographic and can appear when summoned


【Signature Moves】



Weapons & Abilities


【Complete/Current Education Level】
Basic Education, self taught. Bachelors Degree.

° Graduated Kindergarten, Primary School, High School, and University

° Art skills and education were self taught until University​​



"I'm not cute!"

"I'm not short! I'm fun-sized!"

"I'm so tired.."

"I wanna draw."

"I dunno what to draw.."




Art Collection
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