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General Information

General Information



Seika Murasaki

SEH - iy - ka MUW - raa - saa - key

Seika (セイカ)- A Japanese name meaning Pure Summer, Murasaki (ムラサキ)- The Japanese word for Purple

Seika is as bright and happy as the sun, she can brighten up anyone's day.


Her real last name isn't Murasaki, but during her research and stay on Earth, she found a suitable word in a language that her first name was in and gave herself a last name to "blend in" a bit more, as a lot of places needed that bit of info




Seiks, Sei Sei, Cutie, Angel, Seika-Senpai, M'lady

There is no real meaning behind those nicknames, but they were all given to her by very special people in her life. The senpai one however, was given to her by other people in the different places she's been in.


【Gender 】



As a female of her species, she has a long, flexible tail, larger rounder ears, and digitigrade legs.




She, Her








Akairian, English

Although she is fluent in these languages, she is also capable of making animalistic noises and growls, it is most commonly used to intimidate others.




Asian (?)

The Akaiiro don't have ethnicities like humans do.




Unicorn (?)






【Blood Type】



According to the blood type personality theory, people's blood types can also be a determining factor in their personality. Seika is blood type B, some of their traits are passionate, active, creative, animal-loving, flexible, cheerful, friendly, optimistic, confident, self-determined, ambitious, strong-willed, intuitive, agreeable, competitive and athletic.


【Dominant Hand】






Unnamed religion - Worshiping the Goddess of Colour, Iris




2231 (22 Human Years)


【Mental Age】




【Date of Birth】


30th of May


【Place of Birth】


The world of Soteria after her people fled Earth. Within one of the Akaiiro villages in Valeria.

Seika was born on the island of Valeria and lives in one of the main villages with her parents.












Artist, Blogger, Explorer, Mage, and Hunter

All Akai-Iro has a skill and class, Seika is a mage and a hunter just like her parents. She goes out with the other hunters of her village and hunts for food. Her magic skills as a mage are lacking, so she isn’t that good.

° She reports back to the council by blogging or sometimes creating "vlogs", as humans call it

° She also has a love of arts, creating many paintings and drawings in her spare time




Soft and feminine

No accent present






Neutral Good


Seika will usually comply with rules and laws if it is fair and just, and doesn't cause harm to others. But she will 'rebel' against those she considers to be unfair or conflicting.


【Overall Personality】


° Usually really happy.

° Loves to make people happy and see them smile. Especially through her art. 

° She is an overthinker and will stress out about the smallest things (like things not turning out the way she expected).

° She can be adventurous, and likes to explore places people have never been to before (although her anxiety tends to get in the way).

° Due to her inexperience with human contact, she may seem socially awkward

° She hates to hurt people's feelings and will be very careful when talking to people so she doesn't offend them. ° She is anxious and stresses out a lot, so it does stop her from doing certain things.

° She likes fire..... a lot. Doing fire spells is one of her favourite things


【MBTI Personality Type】



ISFP personality types are true artists. They live in a colourful, sensual world inspired by people and ideas. ISFPs are introverts, but just because they like to be by themselves, doesn’t mean they sit idly by.




° Creativity

° Diplomatic

° Hunting Skills

° Night Vision

° Speed

° Agility

° Empathy

° Night Hunting

° She can eat a lot (has a very fast  metabolism due to her active lifestyle)

° She is quick and light on her feet (great for ambush attacks)




° Low Defense

° Worrying a lot over the smallest things

° People who are good at using magic (if she gets in a battle with them, she’d probably lose)

° Cute things/animals

° Like all Akai-Iro, her magic comes from the gem she wears on a choker that all of her species gets when they come of age. Without the gem, she's powerless and has to rely on her own abilities to fight, she can still summon her wings though.​

° Too much empathy for others, she is easily manipulated if you tell her a sob story about your life, or basically anything to make her feel sorry for you (as long as it's convincing)


【Common Moods】


° Happy/Cheerful

° Anxious/Stressed Out

° Tired/Sleepy

° Motivated/Creative


【Rare Moods】


° Melancholy

° Angry

° Disappointment

° Envious




° Art

° Drawing

° Her long hair (it took her years to grow it out long, so she's very proud of it)

° Anime

° Cartoons

° Sweet Tea

° Music

° Purple

° Rainy weather

° Thunderstorms

° Cold weather

° Fire

° Reading

° Her friends

° Making people happy

° Designing things

° Animals

° Sleeping

° Staying up late at night

° The interwebs

° Flying

° Cherry Blossoms

° The dark

° Dancing

° Singing

° Cosplay




° Hot weather

° Art block

° Her ability to procrastinate 'till the end of time

° Her forgetfulness

° When people call her a "drawer" instead of artist

° When people call her 'cute' or 'adorable'

° When people pick on her for her height

° Being called ‘short’ (“I'm not short! I'm fun-sized!”)

° Art theft

° Bitter foods

° Getting haircuts (She likes to keep her hair long and hates to cut it because of how long it took for her to grow it out)


【Good Habits】


° Practicing and getting better at her skills in hunting

° Getting all her work done

° Patience with others


【Bad Habits】


° Procrastinating too much

° Chewing her lip when she gets stressed or nervous

° Fidgeting

° Staying up way too late


【Positive Traits】


° Hard worker

° Loves making others happy

° Loyal

° Creative

° Friendly

° Willing to help out

° Empathetic

° Kind-Hearted


【Negative Traits】


° Stubborn

° Procrastinates a lot

° Over thinker

° Can't say no (afraid to say no especially to the things she doesn't want to do)

° Very forgetful sometimes

° Stays up very late at night when she should be in bed

° Almost always underestimates herself




° Drawing

° Reading

° Singing 

° Playing Instruments

° Playing Video Games

° Blogging

° Watching Anime

° Baking

° Browsing the Internet

° Eating/Food Challenges




° Being left behind

° Those close to her getting hurt

° Public Speaking


【Pet Peeve(s)】


° When people say they need to tell her something but end up forgetting or never telling her

° People who take her things without asking




° Her appearance (especially in front of humans)

° Her ability to do art (not being as good as everyone else)

° Her abilities in magic


【Favourite Food】


Human Food


【Favourite Drink】


Sweet Tea


【Favourite Music】


Anything catchy, specifically songs that get her interested after the first 10 seconds of playing.


【Favourite Number】




【Favourite Flower】




【Favourite Colour】




【Favourite Animal】


All of them



A little shorter than your average mare






【Body Type】


Standard body type of a mare




° Long and soft curls/waves, long fringe/bangs that cover her left eye which is purple. Her hair reaches down to her ankles when it's fully down. 

° Natural hair colour is light blue, but the purple tips are dyed.

° Light blue hair colour at the top, ombre purple at the tips.

° The way her hair is worn and styles differs and depends on the event she's attending. For formal events she’ll usually put it up, or in a half up - half down style. When she’s working, she’ll put it up in a bun or just a ponytail. When at home or just casual things, she’ll leave it down. She’ll wear her hair up in different styles when wearing her outfit of the day (OOTD).

° Just like her attire, there really is no limit as to how she styles her hair.




° Common Akai-Iro heterochromia. 

° Her right eye is a light sky blue and left eye is purple. 

° Eye shape is more roundish, and she has longer eyelashes.

° Excellent night vision.

° Like all other Akai-Iro, when she gets angry, or has her sight locked onto someone/prey, her pupils will dilate like a cat and can form into slits (although not as sharp)




° Bigger, rounder, white ‘cat/animal-like ears (common), dyed lilac tips.

° There is dark gray fur in the ears to protect against dirt and dust from getting in the ears.

° Her ears are almost as big as her head




° Common, long tail (traditional unicorn tail), a darker gray (natural), and dyed purple/lilac tips.

° Tail can be used as a paintbrush.

° Her tail is very long, if she held it straight, it would touch the floor.

° In measurement with her body, her tail counts for half her body length (if you detached her tail and held it up against her, it would be a little over half her size/height).


【Coat Colour】


Snow white


【Cutie Mark】


A brown paintbrush with black decorative butterfly wings on it (same as the one on her back). The paint colour is pink to blue to purple. It wraps all the way down her left leg but not her right one (although they do tend to switch sides as it is an extra drawn on by her, not a permanent mark. Also she sometimes forgets which side it goes on). Her talent is "magic" art, the ability to draw things that will come to life.




Her butterfly blessing on her back, it is the mark of those who have been said to be blessed by the goddess Iris herself. 

Any Akai-Iro with these markings have special abilities and powers. Seika’s is flight. It is present at birth.




She has no added tattoos, although the 'blessing mark' on her back can be considered a tattoo




None, however she can and does wear them occasionally (mostly clip on ones as Akai-Iro ears are really sensitive and it hurts a lot to get real piercings)


【Extra Features】


° Sharp fangs for tearing into meat

° Sharp nails/claws for hunting

° Her wings, the tattoo on her back allows her to summon a pair of almost transparent wings. However, she is still young and has trouble keeping them summoned so she can't keep them out for too long. Sometimes, they even disappear when she is flying in the sky, so she has a tendency to 'drop by' a lot. 

° Their appearance is a pair of half angel/bird & butterfly wings. (Purple butterfly wings under feathers)

° Being an AkaiIro, she has immunity to poisons and toxins produced by berries or any wild plants or venomous animals (but man-made poisons and toxins will be very deadly to her).

° Seika doesn't look like it but she can eat a lot, during her time on Earth, she loves trying out new foods (trying cooked food for the first time was mind blowing for her), and she may or may not be a local star in some places for trying (and almost always succeeding) in their food challenges.




° She will wear a variety of different outfits for many different occasions. 

° There is really no limit on her wardrobe. However, she prefers to wear dresses and skirts, preferably short ones so her tail can be comfortable. Loose, flowy items are some of her favourites.

° For fancy/formal occasions, she will wear long dresses and other outfits you'd never see her in normally. She sometimes goes all out, since she designs most of her own clothing.

° Her mother commissions her "Aunt" Callista to design and make dresses for her too

° She loves to dress up so you'll most likely see her in cosplay often, mainly of her favourite characters.

° She rarely wears pants because she finds them awkward to fit her tail through sometimes, it's just easier for her to wear a skirt or dress (she will always wear some shorts underneath though)

° The AkaiIro wear a lot of layers in their clothing to show off their wealth,  since the materials to make the fabrics are really expensive and hard to get,  those with more layers in their clothing are those of the higher class. So Seika likes to layer her clothing a lot of the time




° Black choker necklace with her teardrop shaped, blue to purple gem on it. 

° The gem can be taken off the choker and worn another way (on clothing as well).

° She will sometimes wear clip on earrings of Accessories on her ears

° She will also wear jewellery on her tail for special occasions


° She will wear a variety of different outfits for many different occasions. There is really no limit on her wardrobe. However, she prefers to wear dresses and skirts, preferably short ones so her tail can be comfortable. Loose, flowy items are some of her favourites.
° For fancy/formal occasions, she will wear long dresses and other outfits you'd never see her in normally. She sometimes goes all out, since she designs most of her own clothing.
° She loves to dress up too so you'll most likely see her in cosplay often, mainly of her favourite characters.
° She rarely wears pants because she finds them awkward to fit her tail through sometimes, it's just easier for her to wear a skirt or dress.

° Black choker necklace with her teardrop shaped, blue to purple gem on it. The gem can be taken off the choker and worn another way (on clothing as well).
° The 2 silver bands she wears (most commonly on her wrists or hair) are actually her art tablets, the ones which she uses to draw on to make her creations come to life.

 【Strength】    7 / 10

【Defense】    2 / 10

【Health】      9 / 10

【Precision】  4 / 10

【Critical】     9/ 10

【Speed】       8/ 10

【Agility】      10 / 10

【Stamina】   7 / 10

【Endurance】   6 / 10

【Intelligence】  8 / 10

【Kindness】    9 / 10

【Empathy】    10 / 10

【Perception】  6 / 10

【Charisma】   7 / 10

【Humour】      5 / 10 

【Confidence】  7 / 10

【Courage】    8 / 10

【Maturity】    4 / 10

【Memory】    5 / 10

【Wealth】      4 / 10

【Luck】        7 / 10

【Sanity】       6 / 10

【Vocal Volume】 4 / 10 

【Social Skills】  3 / 10






° A specially made spear for hunting in her species (the spear is ONLY used for hunting, she would never use it on a person as it was not made for that purpose)

° Assorted swords and spears mainly used for sparring or combat instead of hunting

° Some weapons summoned from her magic

° Anything she dreams up, she can make it a reality with her pen


【Combat Style】


Fast and agile, she prefers to rush into battle and get rid of her enemies as quickly as she can. She specializes in fast strikes and agile dodges. Although she can obtain an almost infinite amount of weapons, it doesn’t necessarily mean she can/is good at using them. As for stats, she focuses more on her attack power to get rid of enemies quicker than her defense, so she can get taken down easily if she’s not careful.


Since her defense is low, she mainly focuses on her speed, agility, and attack power to take enemies down as quickly as she can so she doesn't get hurt, although it doesn't always work.


【Ability Name(s)】


° Telekinesis

° Pyrokinesis

° Teleportation

° Magic Art

° Magic Paintbrush, 

° Art Manipulation

° Fiction Travel


【Ability Type】


° Magic Art

° Fire magic

° Levitation


【Ability Description】


° She can cast simple fire spells

° She has the ability to levitate things but they can't be heavier than a full grown adult

° With the teleportation spell, she can teleport short distances, but no farther than 10 feet away from her original location.

° She has access to many spell books and can learn to do a lot more magic, but she really lacks in the magic department (due to her procrastination and lack of studying), so she can't do much with magic, and if she casts more difficult spells (such as transfiguration, telekinesis on things heavier than herself, telepathy, giant magic lasers, etc) she will black out and most likely wake up with a killer headache.


Apart from magic, Seika has physical attributes that help her if she's not using magic. Most of her skills come from her species but others are taught by her mother.


° Great use of swords and spears, commonly for hunting

° Anything can become prey to her, since she is a hunter and her species are omnivores

° She has sharp teeth and fangs for tearing into meat

° Because she's an Akaiiro, she can eat raw meat 

° She has immunity to poisons and toxins produced by berries or any wild plants or venomous animals (but man-made poisons and toxins will be very deadly to her)

° She has a good grasp on how to use most weapons but mainly melee ones, she is not very a good shot


° Depending on the circumstances, Seika has a tool to help her creations come to life, an extraordinary fountain pen.

° She can travel between fictional universes with created "personas" for her to fit in (this is mostly provided by Kittea)




° Her pen has 4 different tips, the default fountain pen, a paintbrush, pencil, and a marker.

° The pen is basically an all in 1 when it comes to art supplies, it can be a pencil, paintbrush, marker, or a regular pen so she doesn’t have the need to get all art supplies separately. 

° She can draw with her magic pen and it comes to life, but the product that arrives is only as good as her skills are. If it is drawn incorrectly or weirdly, that’s how it will come out.

° Her creations can get erased by her, using the eraser function on the pen, which she can switch to at will

° Her pen can grow and shrink to any size, when she uses it normally, it shrinks down to normal pen size. She can make it bigger for bigger works

° The pen has a glass chamber which shows the colour that is going to be produced, the crystal ball at the top also shows what colour the pen is going to use at the moment.

° The gems on the pen also changes colour with the ink

° She can either draw on paper or just thin air to manifest her creations


【Signature Moves】


Using her speed and agility, she tends to charge head first into battle and defeat her enemies quickly. When hunting, she jingles the 2 bells near the tip of her spear to lure her prey to her, since the bells are enchanted, they put the prey in a trance and they can't help but walk towards the noise, then she strikes.

Weapons & Abilities




Her childhood was relatively normal (compared to everyone else), she was one of the "lucky" ones and born after the Colourless Plague and missed it entirely, of course that meant she was born and went without colour for a good few years.


Her birth was a rather special one as well, as she was marked with The Blessing of the Goddess, a butterfly marking on her back, which would symbolize her blessing of flight. 


Of course, being a baby she couldn't use or summon her wings just yet, but she would learn soon, as by the age of 2, she would be giving her parents a lot of trouble with her flight abilities. She would summon her wings and knock things over or smack people with the face, or she would escape her crib and end up outside. It was definitely a stressful time in their lives.

Thankfully as she aged, her escape attempts would lessen and cease entirely.


At the age of 5, her colours started showing like everyone else (which was a huge relief to those around her).


Nothing much of note happened until she turned 10, which was when she participated in the ceremony where Akaiiro children get their hair, ears, and tails dyes, kind of like a coming of age ceremony.


At that point in time, she was also enrolled into Oclearose, Academy for the Blessed because she was blessed with a mark. There she would learn about their history and her role in their society. That was where she developed a special interest in the "Grays" (as her people called them).


【Teen Years】


This was the period in time where Cyrus got his promotion and spent less time at home, she was sad to see him go for long periods of time but was happy he was successful at work.


When she turned 13, she partook in another ceremony, smaller this time, she would be given her gem and gain access to her magic.


As she grew older, her interest in the Grays never dwindled, in fact, it increased instead. She was very interested in these bipedal creatures and where they came from and how they lived. Of course everyone tells her to never engage with them as they were the cause of the Colourless Plague, but she had always found something not quite right about it. Sure they appeared around the time everyone got sick, but where was the proof they were the cause of it all?


All in all, she was just very interested in these Grays, she wanted to see them for herself, and maybe prove to everyone they were not the cause and to give them a chance (and that they're not cursed as everyone believes).


Since the portal between Soteria and Earth only opens for a short time once every few years, she had to prepare in advance if she was serious about going to Earth.


Preparations aside, of course there were some other things that she needed to get done first (namely talking to her parents about her plans).


During her classes and studies, she focused particularly on the history lessons and the classes that taught them about the Grays. She would ask many questions about them, gaining weird and often disturbed looks from her classmates at her apparent interest in them.


She would be told the same things over and over again-


"The Grays are dangerous monsters that almost wiped us all out."




"They are a curse upon the land and must be avoided at all cost."


She couldn't get any useful information about them, so she looked to self-study at the archives in the Avicrest Library. There she would meet one who was just as interested in the Grays as she was, and that person was Elvira, the Senior BookKeyper, and from her, that was where she learnt what the Grays were really called, "Humans".


Seika would visit Elvira often to hear about stories she had about these Humans and learn more about them, of course they were only speculations from what Elvira had seen from them, but any information was good information. 




Going up to her adult years, she continued to meet with Elvira, learning more and more about humans, as well as preparing to make her journey to Earth. 


It was a long time coming, but eventually she found a time when both her parents were home before she broke the news to them. She planned to go through the next portal to Earth and stay there, wanting to learn more about the Grays and their history.


They were shocked of course, because unlike Seika, they had actually lived through the plague and lost a lot of friends and family. 


After a lot of convincing, they relented reluctantly, as long as she kept in touch and did her best to stay safe. Thanking them profusely, she told them her plans and when she was going to head off. They even helped her pack before the portal opened and she had to leave.


•| ⊱✿⊰ |•


Meeting secretly at one of the portal locations one dark night (hidden under the large tree roots in Eleos island), they said their goodbyes before Seika stepped through the portal, disappearing from their view.


Seika exited the portal through the other side and ended up in a ginormous underground cavern full of plants she'd never seen before, as well as small critters scuttling about. 


She was in awe of it all. It was like an entirely new world to her. She couldn't help but look at and want to touch everything, and before she knew it, she had spent around 5 hours in that cavern. Looking around at all the new things, she wrote them all down in her journal that she brought with her to document everything.


Finally, after a few more hours of documenting, she finally put the book down and left the cavern, lighting her way using her fire magic and finding the exit.


What she saw was truly astounding, it looked almost like home in Soteria, except it had less types of colour and way more green. It looked very lush and healthy, which made her very happy. She would be able to see more of it soon enough as she summoned her wings and took off into the sky.


In the sky, she could see that likely a whole day had passed as it was getting dark. From her high vantage point, she could still see fields of green and the swaying of leaves from the trees (thank you night vision). It seems that the cavern was located in the middle of a dense forest. Which was good, because it meant less chance of someone stumbling upon it.


Scanning her surroundings, she could see that there were plenty of cliffs and waterfalls, it was a really beautiful location. She couldn't wait to settle down here.


Flying a bit further, she found the perfect spot. On Top of a cliff surrounded by green trees, she saw a massive lone tree overlooking the entire area. From there she could also see a waterfall nearby with streams glowing from it. That was it, that was where her new home is gonna be.


She may not look like it, but she was quite handy too, having learnt basic construction skills back at the Academy, it was more than enough to get by and build a small house to live in. And that's what she spent the next few days doing, slowly building up a small treehouse like the one at home. It wasn't much right now, but it was enough.


She would continue to expand the house as years went by.


•| ⊱✿⊰ |•


After staying on Earth for a while, The Grand Council had received news of Seika's journey into the Human world, they were quite flabbergasted at the fact that anyone would want to leave their safe haven of Soteria and go to Earth which is full of those cursed beings. But after hearing the news that she was fine and actually seemed to thrive there based on their source's information.


Seika was very much shocked and surprised when the Council suddenly contacted her, she was sure they were going to punish her for sneaking out of Soteria to go to Earth. But instead, they allowed her to stay, under the condition that she reports back to them with her findings of the Humans and life on Earth.


She was ecstatic that they let her stay and agreed to their conditions. Being the creative type that she is, she would report to them using her journal entries, sketches, and a new way she discovered thanks to those humans, called "blogging".


From then on, she reports back frequently of her findings all while doing her best to live a normal life on Earth, but of course the things that happen and people she meets along the way make it quite difficult for her life to be "normal", but honestly, she doesn't mind.


•| ⊱✿⊰ |•


While she's not on Earth, she's busy visiting different places and universes (Sometimes Kittea will tag along).


And this new adventure just happened to bring her into the Magical Land of Equestria, where she would stay the while, seeing the sights and meeting new peop- er…. Ponies.

Backstory & History




Cyrus (Pumpkin Yellow)


4203 Years Old (42 Human Years)


Quite close to Seika. Being a mage, he was the one to first teach her about the basics of magic when she was young (before she got her gem), maybe hoping she would be a mage like him and help Soteria with the stabilization of their world.

He, sadly, wasn't around much during her teen years as he was busy at work, especially since he was a really good mage and played an important role in Soteria (one would even say he's working with the council, but those are just rumours).

Seika does miss him when he's away and remembers the moments when he was home with her during her childhood and wishes she could play with him again.




Vermillia (Blood Red)


4460 Years Old (44 Human Years)


Very close to Seika, she taught her how to hunt when she was young. They would often go and hunt together.

Vermillia was away for a majority of her childhood because she was always out hunting and providing food for their family, but after Cyrus got "promoted", he was now the one who was away for the majority, missing Seika's older years a lot. Of course that meant she got to spend more time with Seika and teaching her how to hunt, they bonded and got closer that way.




None - Only Child


【Other Relatives】


° Callista - Distant relative on Vermillia's side












° Charles

° Lucious

° Lumine




° Anavin

° Elvira


【Best Friends】


° Kittea

° Elvira




° None - She doesn't have any (yet)



Previous Residence



Soteria, Valeria Island

In the forests where the Akaiiro inhabited.


【Accommodation Type】


General Akaiiro housing. A cottage type house in the trees.




Vermillia and Cyrus - Mother and Father







​【Complete/Current Education Level】


Basic Education, self taught.


° She completed her species' version of  'High school' and graduated, so she knows the basics. But everything else was either self taught or taught to her by her parents before she left.

° She went to Oclearose, Academy for the Blessed, but she didn't stay for the entire time before she left.



Undisclosed Location - Forest

May or may not be in Equestria at all.


【Accommodation Type】


Giant tree house overlooking a massive forest. The tree is on the edge of a cliff. It is surrounded by forests. There is also a waterfall and lake with rivers nearby.




None - She moved out of her family's house and lives by herself.

Art Collection
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