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General Information

General Information

Kittea Full wipc 2.png




Kit - Tee

A nickname (a spelling variation of Kitty).




Cutie, Angel, 

Some of the nicknames were given to describe her. She prefers not to be called those nicknames by strangers.








She, Her, They, Them, He, Him

Don't mind any pronouns




Panromantic Asexual(?)





English is a second language.












Black Cat, Human, Shadow, Undead??? Revenant???

(Who knows at this point)


【Dominant Hand】








【Mental Age】




【Date of Birth】


10th of December, 1999








Turquoise, Zircon, Tanzanite, and Topaz




Artist, Creator, Inventor, ???


Freelance artist, creator and inventor of different technologies and 'mythical' items. 




Mid range.

Australian accent.


【Physical Illnesses】


Asthma and Lactose Intolerance


【Mental Illnesses】


ADHD and Anxiety??




Minor allergy to Peaches and Lemon with Raw Oysters.











【Body Type】






° Black hair (Sometimes seems dark brown in certain lighting

​° Short, shoulder length

°Naturally straight

° Grows really quickly and gets long 

° Longest it gets is lower back, almost waist length




° Monolid

° Dark brown eyes, looks pitch black sometimes




° Black cat ears


° Purple inside


° White fur inside




° Long black cat tail


【Skin Tone】


Pale with warm undertones.




Upper back, right shoulder.






Due to her fast healing capabilities,  she doesn't Scar (unless under certain circumstances)








None, however clip ons are worn very rarely


【Extra Features】


° Long nails


° Purple nail polish



【Overall Personality】


° Shy and awkward around new people


° Loud and outgoing when comfortable


° Thoughts go 'Brrrrrrrrrr'


° Can't speak properly/Tongue tied often


° Non judgemental


° Respects opinions despite differences


° Peacekeeper in group


° Very level-headed when needed


° Can be very playful and sissy


° Loves puns and jokes, will tell them a lot (especially dad jokes)


【MBTI Personality Type】



Although seemingly quiet or unassuming, Mediators (INFPs) have vibrant, passionate inner lives. Creative and imaginative, they happily lose themselves in daydreams, inventing all sorts of stories and conversations in their minds. INFP personalities are known for their sensitivity – Mediators can have profound emotional responses to music, art, nature, and the people around them.




° Creativity

° A good shoulder to cry on

° Can keep secrets




° Bright lights (her shadow form especially) (enough light could "kill" her, or at the very least, injure her enough to take her out of commission for a while)

° Distractions

° Procrastination

° Cute things

° Shiny things


【Common Moods】


° Serotonin Boosts

° Tired/Sleepy

° Motivated/Creative

° Melancholy

° Bored


【Rare Moods】


° Angry

° Disappointment

° Envious

° Jealousy




° Art

° Drawing

° Cats

° Anime

° Cartoons

° Tea

° Music

° Purple

° Blue

° Rainy weather

° Thunderstorms

° Cold weather

° Fire

° Reading

° Robots, Androids, and Ai

° Designing things

° Animals

° Sleeping

° Staying up late at night

° The interwebs

° The dark

° Cosplay




° Hot weather

° Art block

° Forgetfulness

° Being called 'Cutie' (by certain people)

° Art theft

° Bitter foods

° Figs

° The sound of metal utensils scraping plates/bowls, etc

° Bright lights


【Good Habits】


° Practicing and getting better at skills

° Getting all work done (even if only 5 mins left)

° Patience with others

° Always on time


【Bad Habits】


° Procrastinating too much

° Lack of sleep schedule

° Starting new art pieces and never finishing old ones

° Fidgeting

° Staying up way too late


【Positive Traits】


° Hard worker

° Loyal

° Creative

° Friendly

° Empathetic

° Doesn't swear/curse???


【Negative Traits】


° Stubborn

° Procrastinates

° Over thinker

° Hard time saying No

° Very forgetful

° Stays up very late at night

° Anxious???




° Drawing

° Reading

° Playing Instruments

° Playing Video Games

° Blogging

° Watching Anime

° Baking

° Browsing the Internet




° Being left behind

° Failure


【Pet Peeve(s)】


° Slow walkers

° People saying 'never mind' in the middle of speaking and don't end up finishing what they were going to say

° People starting to speak but then dropping the conversation all together before they're done

° People who take things without asking




° Appearance in front of others.

° Not living up to expectations


【Favourite Food】


Soup & Seafood (Crabs especially)


【Favourite Drink】


Tea & Soda (Not together, obviously)


【Favourite Music】


Anything catchy


【Favourite Number】




【Favourite Flower】


All of them (Hydrangeas especially)


【Favourite Colour】


Purple and Blue


【Favourite Animal】


All of them (bonus points if they're cute), tho cats are definitely her top fave.





° Anything comfortable


° Mainly purple


° Has a few cute items of clothing


° Sometimes wears the same thing everyday


° Jackets, hoodies, and coats


° Has no distinct style (will change themes/styles every so often)


° Sometimes wears cutesy styles, mostly wears techwear




° Black leg harness with silver chain


° Belt with chain


° White cat mask with purple accents

【Strength】    7 / 10

【Defense】    7 / 10

【Health】      8 / 10

【Precision】  3 / 10

【Critical】     4 / 10

【Speed】       5 / 10

【Agility】      8 / 10

【Stamina】     6 / 10

【Endurance】   6 / 10

【Intelligence】  7 / 10

【Kindness】    7 / 10

【Empathy】    9 / 10

【Perception】  6 / 10

【Charisma】   8 / 10

【Humour】      4 / 10

【Confidence】  6 / 10

【Courage】    6 / 10

【Maturity】    6 / 10

【Memory】     7 / 10

【Wealth】      9 / 10

【Luck】        6 / 10

【Sanity】       8 / 10

【Vocal Volume】   7 / 10

【Social Skills】  4 / 10



Weapons & Abilities



A variety, but her main (and prefered weapon) is a Scythe.


【Combat Style】


Lots of evasive actions, melting and blending into shadows. Ambush attacks often.


Swings Scythe in swift and fast motions, since it's a construct of her shadows, she can change its size, shape, and orientation for quicker strikes in a fight.


In rare cases, Kittea will shed her human skin, and show her true form, that is where the battle gets truly deadly.


【Ability Name(s)】




【Ability Type】


Darkness Mimicry, Shadow Manipulation, Shadow Stealth, Shadow Teleportation, Shadow Generation, Darkness Weaponry, Darkness Portal Creation, A Type of Necromancy


【Ability Description】


Can create and use shadows to aid in battle. Constructs and weapons such as a scythe, claws, and sharp tentacle-like appendages for offensive purposes.


She also has a “special ability” to 'resurrect' the dead, in a sense. When someone has newly passed on, she has a small window of time to take their souls and re-form them as shadows to serve her. Then they become another one of her 'envoys'. She can use them and control them at will (although she prefers not to control them, unlike others). (that’s how she amassed her “army” of kitties and crows in which she can see and hear from).


【Signature Moves】


In complete darkness, with a wave of her hand, she can create a dark mass that opens, inside lay hundreds, even thousands of eyes. Once they lay eyes on their target, a mouth full of sharp teeth opens up and multiple arms of shadows reach out to grab and constrict their prey. Once trapped, they will pull their target into the void of teeth, where it will eventually close in on them, leaving them to never be seen again.


The void can consume something as big as a planet under the right circumstances.


*This move is mainly used for bigger objects, would not waste it on one person, etc

Weapons & Abilities













Various Ages

Her eyes and ears around the city.



Various Ages

Her eyes and ears in the sky.








° Yuromi

° Bailey

° Star

° Nurse




° Lucious

° Lumine

° Anavin

° Exe

° Doctor


【Best Friends】






ʏ̶̢̒ᴏ̴͉̃ᴜ̶̱̈́ ̵̞̂ᴅ̸̭̚ᴏ̷̩͒ ̶̼́ɴ̴̜͝ᴏ̴̗̅ᴛ̸͎͘ ̶̺͆ʜ̵̮̊ᴀ̵͎͌ᴠ̵̰̀ᴇ̴̦͗ ̸̲̔ᴇ̷̨̕ɴ̸̻͒ᴏ̵̩̂ᴜ̷̮̏ɢ̵̫̎ʜ̵͙̋ ̸̘̓ᴄ̵̣͒ʟ̴̤̕ᴇ̷̞̌ᴀ̷̹̎ʀ̷͉͘ᴀ̸̥̔ɴ̸̂ͅᴄ̴̡͠ᴇ̴̻̂ ̵̯͗ᴛ̶͕͊ᴏ̴͇̔ ̶̹̎ᴠ̵̗̚ɪ̶̙̾ᴇ̸̄ͅᴡ̴̼͐ ̵͙̈ᴛ̷̜͝ʜ̶̙͛ɪ̸͔̋ꜱ̸̣͘ ̶̜̀ɪ̶̧̔ɴ̸͕͐ꜰ̷̳̕ᴏ̶̼͠ʀ̶̝͛ᴍ̸̅͜ᴀ̸̣̍ᴛ̴̭̾ɪ̵͚̎ᴏ̷̝̏ɴ̴͍̒.̷̬͝



【Complete/Current Education Level】
Basic Education, self taught. Bachelor's Degree.


° Graduated Kindergarten, Primary School, High School, and University


° Art skills and education were self taught until University​​


Backstory & History

Nothing much is known about her childhood, especially after waking up, her memories were all scrambled and she forgot almost everything.


Sometimes, she would get snippets of memories, and the feeling of Deja Vu.

【Teen Years】


Information Missing



The Shadow was weak, having just escaped with barely an inch of its life. It felt a strong feeling of desperation, yet also a strong will to live. Ending up in a field, they witnessed a human, dragging a limp body towards a shallow hole dug out of the ground, the.. man? Threw them in before turning around and also tossing a sealed bag as well.


Yes, they could feel it, those heavy emotions were coming from the body, that human seemed to be very sloppy in killing their victim, as they were still alive.


They wasted no time, diving towards the shallow grave, they would form their bond, right then and there… but oh? There was another… a small 4 legged creature, well… we can't let them go to waste either.


It did take some time, but after successfully merging with the Human. They would awake, clawing out and up from their shallow grave and completing the metamorphosis, a being of part human and shadow.


•| ⊱✿⊰ |•


After being murdered and buried in a shallow grave, Kittea was granted new life by a being made from shadows. Now able to live this life, this time being able to do things they were never able to. It did come with a price, they would begin completely anew, their memories of their past wiped out together, and the full power once held by that shadow was lost. 


But they would go on and live a full life, without worry and with new abilities unlocked, they could do anything; however, it didn't stop those from their past to resurface and bring trouble with them.

Backstory & History


Centre of the city at the top of the Tallest skyscraper building there. Overlooking the entire city.

【Accommodation Type】
Penthouse in the main tower in the center of the city.


Spends a lot of time alone.

Her kitties and crows



"I'm so tired.."

"I wanna draw."

"I dunno what to draw.."

Art Collection
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