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CH:1 A Chance Meeting

A work in progress for a manga I had planned. This is only the first part of a bigger series, although I am unsure if I will ever finish it.

The cool wind blew through my short, light brown hair as I pushed up my glasses to the bridge of my nose and rolled my arm to adjust the bag strap on my shoulder. I was very tired from my day at school, and my car had gone into service earlier that week so I had to use public transport, it was getting dark and I shivered in the cold. I hear footsteps coming from behind me, I ignored it and kept going, might've just been someone going for a walk, it’s not uncommon. Suddenly the footsteps speed up to a run, I barely had time to turn around and look at the person when I was abruptly knocked down and they ran off with my bag. I was dazed and had no idea what had just happened, but my instincts kicked in and I started chasing the guy down. He was not that fast so I had no problem catching up to him, lifting my leg up and jumping into the air, I swiftly gave him a kick mid back. He flew through the air and landed painfully onto the sidewalk, I speed walked up to him and snatched my bag back from him. Now that he was down, I got a better look at him, he had shaggy black hair and was wearing old and tattered clothes, his hood had fallen down from when I fly kicked him a few feet, he looked younger than I thought, probably my age.


“What do you think you’re doing?! Do you want me to call the cops on you??” I yelled at him angrily, which was probably a bad idea to confront him at the time. I didn’t know if he was armed or not.


Hearing the threat of the police being called, the boy’s eyes widened in fear and he quickly got up and ran off. I could faintly just see the tears glistening in the dark street, illuminated by dim streetlights. I am left by myself once again as I sigh and take some deep breaths to calm myself down, my heart was pounding in my chest as I wondered what could’ve happened if he was armed or had a weapon on him, I dug around in my bag to see if he made off with anything, thankfully my wallet, house keys, and phone were still there, he didn’t manage to take anything. I sighed heavily once again and continued walking back to my street where I lived.


After walking up my driveway, I unlocked the door to the front and walked in, putting my bag down on the kitchen counter, I locked the door behind me, grabbing out my phone and walked upstairs to my bedroom to have a shower and get changed. My parents were always away because of their jobs, so they travel a lot and I’m often left home alone. 

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