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Seika - Reed Flute

Seika and her reed flute.

The knife hit the reed in a steady rhythm as Seika worked diligently, slowly whittling and carving away as she hummed softly to herself. Her ears twitched occasionally as her tail swished lazily behind her.


The soft breeze blew through her long hair as the leaves rustled, she sat outside on the balcony of her tree house as she worked on carving out this piece of reed. Occasionally sanding down edges to smooth it out.

Soon enough, her latest ‘masterpiece’ was finished… It was a flute.. A Reed flute to be exact. 


She missed home, and she missed playing instruments as she didn’t exactly have one ready nearby, so what better way to fix that than to make one yourself?

Gingerly holding the home homemade reed flute, she examined it one last time for any imperfections or errors. Satisfied, she let out a soft, satisfied sigh at a job well done. It had taken a few hours but it was some nice, quiet alone time.


Putting down her carving knife, she held the flute in position and brought it up to her lips, blowing air in softly and attempted to play a tune… before flinching at the sound. Her ears pinned down on her head as they tried to block out that awful, screechy sound…

Oops.. Looks like she hadn’t played the flute in a long time and seemed a bit rusty, oh well. Time to get practicing again.


And soon, as the day flew by, the uneven, out of tune sounds in the forest were replaced by a flowing and melodious tune, as if played by expert hands.

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© SeiKittea Art

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