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Fixing a Star

While travelling the universe for new places to find, Anavin came upon a planet called Earth. There she landed in hopes of finding new life. She stumbled upon a broken down android in the trash outside a brightly lit building. She brought the trash and headed back to her ship with her new find.

Covering my eyes, I carefully maneuvered my ship and activated my landing gear. It was always so scary and high up in the sky when I landed, it may seem silly… but I am terrified of heights, funny right? You would think I wouldn’t be flying around space if I was afraid, but I’m fine when in space, but it’s the thought of being near the ground so high up in the sky. The ship rumbled a little then settled as I landed, I peek through my fingers as I breathe a sigh of relief, I managed to land safely, and not crash into anything this time. I turned on the cloaking device on my ship so it stays hidden from people. I opened up the door and let the platform reach the floor before getting out of my chair and walking outside. I was on a new planet which I have not been to yet, it was quite far away from my home. It was called “Earth” from what my computer was telling me. Looking around, I found that it was getting quite dark, the sky glowed a bright red-orange as the sun started setting, the cool breeze blew through my blue and purple coloured hair, as I started walking, no specific destination in mind.


I had left my planet only recently so I could continue helping others, it was something my people did all the time, until one day…. they just stopped. No one ever told me why, I would ask my parents but they'd always say ‘we'll tell you when you're older.’ I stopped questioning it after that, I trust them, if they don't want to tell me yet, that's fine.


I stopped in my tracks when I spotted a faint blue glow in one of those strange looking metal cylinders outside what looks like a science building. There were random parts sticking out everywhere and I could make out an almost humanoid figure in it. I walked over to get a closer look, pulling out some of the pieces and laying them gently to the ground. Peaking deeper into the cylinder, I pulled out even more parts, an arm, a leg, even a torso. Until finally I pulled out a head, it was some sort of robot.


‘Maybe I can try and fix it,’ I thought to myself, maybe then I'll have a companion to travel with.


So I placed all the parts back into the cylinder and picked it up, walking back to my ship. The cylinder was heavier than I thought but I managed. Setting it down gently next to my ship, I opened up the door and dragged the cylinder the rest of the way in.

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© SeiKittea Art

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