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Seika in Equestria

Seika's first time in Equestria after arriving by portal.


Story details how she got her appearance and cutie mark (not that it is a long story).

Groaning, I sat up and rubbed my head, that was quite a fall, I didn’t expect my portal to be so high above the ground. I sat up and looked around, everything seemed so colourful and bright, the sun was shining high above the bright blue sky, there was not a cloud to be seen. I flicked my tail to the side before getting up and dusting myself off.


My ears twitched when I heard some people coming my way, I quickly ducked behind a bush and watched them, they were brightly colored too, I could recognize that they were ponies, I must've landed somewhere in Equestria, which was perfect since it was exactly where I wanted to go. I continue to watch as the ponies trotted off, that gave me an idea. I pressed a button on the silver bracelet I was wearing and opened my tablet, my reflection showing up from its screen, I couldn't show myself looking like this, so I took out the pen and started sketching, a bright light engulfing me as I worked.


After the bright light faded and retracted back into my tablet, I had a look at my reflection on my screen. I looked just like myself… except a pony, with a snow white coat and a horn, which I was using to levitate the tablet, my magic (unsurprisingly) was a lilac colour. My mane was my usual light blue to purple, but since I am on all fours now, my mane seemed longer than usual, to the point where it almost touched the ground. I was still wearing my black choker necklace with my blue and purple gem. My wings were unsummoned so the butterfly marking was seen on my back. I stood up and stamped my hooves softly to get used to them, turning my head, I had a look at the rest of myself when I noticed that I was still a blank flank. So I started sketching again, giving myself a paintbrush (with blue, pink, and purple paint on it) with my butterfly cutie mark, and just to be a little extra, I extended the blue, purple, and pink paint down my back left leg.


I nodded to myself in approval and put my tablet away, reverting it back to it’s silver bracelet. I thought for a moment before using my magic from my horn to do a small braid in my mane and tied the ends with my silver bracelet, it was basically multi-functional so it held together quite nicely. Finally satisfied, I concentrated and summoned my wings, white feathers dispersing around me as they appeared. Flapping them a few times, I was lifted off the ground and flew off, high into the sky.

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